At Yukon, we invest in the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Each product is crafted by our skilled artisans using only the best materials. Authentic full-grain crazy horse leather, reliable zippers, meticulous stitching, and scrupulous attention to detail are combined to create bags, backpacks, and more, that you can depend on for decades of adventures.
We care about our products and we care about our customers. We want to make shopping with Yukon a worry-free experience. With that in mind, we are happy to offer a limited 1-year warranty on our products. As leather is a natural product, certain things such as small scars, creases, or variations in color are not defects – in fact, these are hallmarks of quality authentic leather and add to each bag’s unique beauty. Cookie-cutter lookalike bags, uniform-coloring, and a lack of distinctive natural markings are signs of inferior or imitation leather. Crazy horse leather is world-renowned for its durability and its distinctive ability to transform bumps, bangs, and scratches into beautiful striations in coloring. These natural markings guarantee that each leather item is a one-of-a-kind – no-one else will have a bag that looks exactly like yours!
With that said – zippers should not jam, rivets should not fly off, and stitching should be unbroken – but even the most skillful artisan can make a mistake. After all, we are all merely human. If your product arrives with a defect, simply contact us at info@naturalleathershop.com. We will send you a prepaid shipping label to return your item for repair or replacement. Items that are purchased after January 29, 2021, are covered for up to a full year. If you have a defective item that was purchased before this date, it is still covered under the old warranty for up to 6 months.
Our warranty does not cover normal wear and tear. Our warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship. Defects include (but are not limited to):
- Broken zippers.
- Faulty or broken hardware.
- Broken stitching or torn leather upon arrival.
Some things that are NOT defects include (but are not limited to):
- Small leather scars.
- Creases.
- Color variations.
- Damage caused by the customer.
- Your cat shredded it.
- Your toddler shoved it down the toilet.
- Normal wear and tear.
We stand behind our products and are happy to offer the peace of mind a warranty can bring. This warranty covers items purchased through our website and does not cover items purchased through third-party retailers.